What is Yoga? How Yoga can help?

It has been recorded that yoga has been practiced by only a few for sometime between 2,500 to 5,000 years.  And only within the last decades, yoga has spread like wildfire and become a form of exercise and transformation in the Western world.

Yoga stretches the muscles which support joints and ligaments. This helps to release blockages & toxins in our circulation and brings holistic healing.

This is especially beneficial to anyone who decides balanced health with maximum vitality through out his/her life as well as improving outstanding performance in athletic pursuits.

Overall, yoga brings life force to the whole body, and hence help to:

- reduce stress and bring homeostasis to the body,
- mental relaxation as well as physical,
- boost your immune system,
- delay or even reverting the aging process,
- achieve equanimity at your peak performance.

So, try it out for yourself!  Join us in one of our classes which we will take you through step by step to a healthier, happier, more meaningful existence. We will keep your information private so call us today 289-259-8800 or e-mail yoga@roychan.ca to find out how.



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